Institutional network

The Business Partnership Facility (BPF) is a financing facility that was launched in 2016 by the Minister of Cooperation and Humanitarian Action of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg.


Its aim is to encourage the Luxembourg / European private sector to establish partnerships with entities of developing countries in order to set up sustainable business projects. The facility is designed to co-finance private sector initiatives that contribute to the development and creation of jobs and/or technology transfer in developing countries.

Aliter Invest (Switzerland, Luxembourg) is an advisory company, that audits, analyzes and selects projects based on their ethical and financial solidity.
Aliter is aware that finance has a significant impact on natural and social environment. Therefore, everyone shares a moral responsibility to invest in the most responsible way possible.

The company provides bespoke services to investors in their ethical transition through the following approach :

  • ethical strategy definition (exclusion criteria, ESG positive selection, social impact, thematic…)
  • formalization of the ethical policy (e.g. code of ethics, ethical roadmap, etc.)
  • on-going monitoring and review of ethical criteria and controversies

NOIRET PATRIMOINE (France) est un cabinet de conseil en gestion de patrimoine spécialisé sur des solutions de placement intégrant des critères éthiques et solidaires.

Le cabinet couvre des thématiques aussi variées que le logement, le handicap, l’exclusion sociale, l’environnement, l’emploi ou encore la solidarité internationale.

Une expertise est également apportée en matière d’épargne salariale, de retraite collective et d’actionnariat salarié.

Le Cèdre Finance Ethique (France) est un cabinet de conseil en investissements et de conseil en gestion de patrimoine.

Le cabinet a obtenu l’agrément d’Entreprise Solidaire à Utilité Sociale (ESUS). Ce statut confirme la création d’un modèle économique orienté vers la recherche d’impact social, encadré par une gouvernance participative.

Les solutions proposées couvrent le champ de l’investissement socialement responsable et solidaire sur de nombreuses thématiques sociales et environnementales.

Harambee Africa International is an international NGO headquartered in Rome, Italy with branches in various European countries.
The word “Harambee” means working together to achieve something else: starting projects that focus on education, an education that is not only transmission of knowledge but also development of the ability to project into the future, contributing with a job well-done, the material and human progress of the entire community.

Harambee wishes to contribute to enhancing the potential of the different realities of Sub-Saharan Africa through two main lines of action:

  1. Strengthen the capacity of local human resources, supporting African entities in the implementation of projects in the field of basic education, vocational training, academia and business
  2. Deepen knowledge about Africa in order to overcome stereotypes and contribute to a culture of coexistence and complementarity.

Our local partners

Latin America



Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast